

Ensuring energy contracts are clear and fair

Download full submission as PDF Consumer Action Law Centre and COTA Victoria commented on the Essential Services Commission (ESC) Ensuring energy contracts are clear and fair, Issues paper (Issues paper).


Feedback on the Energy Charter Disclosure Statements

Download full submission as PDF COTA Victoria’s energy advocates worked with other state COTA energy advocates in responding to the Energy Charter for Retail Providers. You can read COTA’s recommendations for improving Disclosure Statements and access to support and services for consumers not digitally connected or literate,


Turn the lights on: new energy rights and protections for Victorian consumers

Complicated billing, confusing discounts and constantly changing offers – energy is an area that bamboozles and overwhelms most consumers. But now, the Victorian government wants consumers to know they have more rights and protections and has launched the eye-catching campaign It’s Your Energy Victoria to tell consumers how to get a fair, straightforward and trusted


Fairer Energy Deal a win for consumers

Fairer Energy Deal a win for all consumers COTA Victoria commends the Victorian Government’s introduction of a fair and efficient regulated energy deal for consumers. From the 1st July 2019, The Victorian Default Offer (VDO) gives all Victorians access to a mid-range, simple, no traps, good value deal. Consumers can now look at a ‘discount


Fair energy outcomes for Victorians

Response to the Essential Services Commission draft advice on the Victorian Default Offer methodology. This submission has been prepared by the Victorian Council of Social Service, the Consumer Action Law Centre, the Financial and Consumer Rights Council and the Council on the Ageing Victoria, with assistance from other VCOSS members and Embiggen Economics. We welcome


2018-2019 Pre-Budget Submission

We want to support the Victorian Government to continue to play a significant role in ensuring that older people, particularly those with complex needs or those experiencing significant disadvantage, are able to access the support and services they need within their communities. With significant recent policy reform, government and the community must reframe how we


Bipartisan Independent Review of the Electricity and Gas Retail Markets in Victoria

The Brotherhood of St Laurence, Consumer Action, Council of the Ageing (COTA), Financial and Consumer Rights Council (FCRC) and Jesuit Social Services welcome the Government’s Interim response to the Independent Review of the Electricity and Gas Retail Markets in Victoria, and the associated Consultation Paper released by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

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