CEO’s message

Happy November! Where has the year gone? As we race towards the end of 2019 it’s nice to stop and reflect on what we have achieved this year. Preparing for our Annual General Meeting on 27 November has given me the opportunity to do just that.

In this month’s COTA Connects you’ll learn about some of our projects and programs, including our Aged Care Navigators initiative and our latest project, Reach, Train, Employ. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has also handed down its interim report, and COTA Victoria is involved in the State Government review of Victoria’s Retirement Villages Act. This month we’ve also hosted the amazing Ashton Applewhite, a worldwide anti-ageism campaigner, and launched a new campaign, ‘A Pat, Chat and a Walk a Day’ at Victorian Parliament House. As you will see, we have been very busy in our mission to advance the rights, interests and futures of Victorians as we age.

If you would like to hear more about COTA Victoria’s achievements in the past financial year I encourage you to join us at our AGM.

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