Emergency relief

Emergency relief organisations provide immediate financial and/or material support to people in financial crisis. The type of help offered by each organisation varies, however it may include one-off assistance such as:

  • food, transport or chemist vouchers
  • part-payment of utility account/s
  • food parcels or clothing
  • budgeting assistance
  • referrals to other services that help to address underlying causes of financial crisis.

Anybody needing food or other emergency relief over the Christmas period is encouraged to make contact with a service now. Some services are closed between Christmas and New Year; others may have run out of goods. A current directory of emergency relief organisations is available via the Department of Social Services website.

Most organisations have limits to what they can offer and might only be able to provide relief to people living within a certain geographic area. It is always advisable to call before visiting to check the eligibility requirements.

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