Helping people diagnosed with dementia to plan ahead

Seniors Rights Victoria is delighted to announce the launch of a series of videos, now available for viewing on our YouTube channel. These videos are a must-watch if you, or someone you work with or care for, has been diagnosed with dementia.

The background

With twelve years experience working to prevent elder abuse, SRV recognised that the increased risk for people with dementia is often the result of a loss of decision-making capacity. This can result in decisions being made on their behalf that might not align with their wishes. The best way to avoid this is to plan ahead, but this is often neglected because people don’t know how or simply find it too difficult to have the necessary conversations.

In 2018 Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV) and Dementia Australia (DA) received funding, as part of the Victorian Government’s Integrated Services Fund, to work in partnership. Together we came up with engaging ways to share information to support people who have dementia to protect their rights and wishes.

As part of the project, SRV worked with the team at 7Dimensions to create this series of entertaining and informative videos. Watch out for cameo appearances from our staff!

  • Why plan for the future? Planning ahead gives you and those close to you peace of mind about the future.
  • Having conversations Find ways to have this difficult conversation and keep a clear record of what you want.
  • Capacity to make decisions What it means to have the capacity to make decisions and how the law can ensure you get to make decisions for yourself whenever you have the capacity.
  • What decisions can my attorney make? What sort of decisions your appointed attorney can make and your rights if you are unhappy with the decisions they are making.
  • Obligations of an attorney Some of the key things you need to know and discuss with the person asking you to be their attorney.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact

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