Identifying and addressing elder abuse: A guide for Commonwealth Home Support Program providers

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This guide is designed to provide Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) providers with the essential knowledge needed to recognise, understand, and address elder abuse when working with older individuals.

The introduction of the Aged Care Quality Standards emphasises the importance of delivering care that is safe, high-quality, and dignified. CHSP providers are required to comply with crucial standards, including Quality Standard 1, which involves ensuring a client’s dignity and respect; Quality standard 3, which involves recognising, documenting, communicating, and appropriately responding to changes in a consumer’s health or condition; and Quality Standard 7, which requires maintaining a capable, knowledgeable, and caring workforce to effectively meet consumer needs.

Elder abuse is a severe issue within the spectrum of family violence, often marked by a victim’s inability or unwillingness to report or acknowledge the abuse. CHSP providers play a vital role in this context. In cases where elder abuse is suspected, providers are sometimes required to document and respond to these concerns promptly.

This resource offers a comprehensive overview of elder abuse, including its definition, manifestations, and causes. It details your responsibilities under the Aged Care Quality Standards and provides guidance on the necessary actions if elder abuse is suspected. The guide also discusses why individuals might not disclose abuse, shedding light on the complexities of disclosure.

Additionally, it examines the impacts of intersectionality and diversity on elder abuse, offering a nuanced understanding of how various factors can influence both the occurrence of abuse and the responses to it. Armed with this knowledge, you will be better equipped to support and protect the older individuals in your care.

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