COTA Victoria & Seniors Rights Victoria Acting CEO’s message, May 2024

In my first week as Acting CEO, I just wanted to introduce myself and share the excitement that I feel stepping into this role, especially with the need for strong advocacy on behalf of older Victorians only underlined by this week’s state budget.

But first, I wanted to echo the sentiment of our board and extend my gratitude to our former CEO, Chris Potaris, for all the work he’s put into our organisation over the last two years. It’s an understatement to say you’ll be missed, remembered, and appreciated for all you’ve done.

Originally from the UK – hence the funny accent you’ve heard if you’ve watched me on Nine News or listened to me on ABC Radio Melbourne recently – I have extensive experience in policy and advocacy within the health and wellbeing sector in both the UK and Australia.

I started my career within the pharmaceutical industry in the UK, before heading down under in 2018. I have spent the majority of my time in Australia working at Victoria’s public health peak body, where I worked on a lot of key policy developments, including Royal Commissions, and learnt a lot about the connection between ageing and health service use.

This work has continued during my tenure as Policy and Advocacy Manager at COTA Victoria and Seniors Rights Victoria, where I have advocated for the rights and interests of all older Victorians. I will continue to oversee our talented Policy and Advocacy department alongside my duties as Acting CEO, backed by a dedicated Senior Management Team and, of course, all the hardworking employees that make up the heart and soul of this organisation. You can rest assured that our great work and vital services are continuing unabated.

My team and I have already hit the ground running this week, fresh off the back of Tuesday’s Victorian state budget. If you haven’t read our concise and informative member briefing yet, I’d highly recommend it. While the focus on families is appreciated, the lack of emphasis on supporting people to age is a continuing concern, especially with some of the negative commentary surrounding intergenerational impacts.

While my time in this role is temporary, I’m proud to be leading the charge on several exciting events and programs over the coming months. We’re gearing up for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in June, and a special Warm Safe Home program launch and exhibition that we’ll be sharing more details of in the coming weeks.

I am excited to bring my own twist to this position, and look forward to working and engaging with you all to do that. I’ll do my best to keep you up to date with any developments across COTA Victoria and Seniors Rights Victoria through updates such as this and, of course, our soon to be members-only COTA Connects email newsletter. As we’ve recently announced, membership is free for individual members, so please sign up and help amplify our voice as the peak body for older Victorians.

Thank you for your time, and for your ongoing support.

Best wishes,
Ben Rogers
Acting CEO, COTA Victoria and Seniors Rights Victoria

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