Great Getaways are back

This has been a very different year and it will take us some time return to things that once felt normal. As restrictions limiting movement ease, you might be thinking about getting back into nature.

After having been shut down since March, Victorian camps are now opening up again under strict guidelines and will continue to do so into 2021.

A good way to ease back into feeling confident about socialising and sharing again might be with a day activity.

To get back into the swing of Great Getaways and attending camps gently, Australian Camps Association has organised a day activity at Oasis Camp in the Dandenong Ranges on Saturday 5th of December 2020.

The next weekend Getaway (all going well) will be held in Cowes, Phillip Island on Friday 12 – 14 February 2021. It is close to the beach, shops and cafes but will have some great activities onsite such as a circutron, flying fox, giant swing, archery climbing walls and solar heated swimming pools. See further details and booking form in the ‘Upcoming Getaways’ section of this newsletter.

The upcoming programs can also be found online at the Australian Camps Association.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you’d like to attend camp again (or for the first time) please contact the Australian Camps Association office on 03 9863 6822 or via email.

There is no doubt that when we do get back out into the bush, beach or mountains again it will be a celebration.

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