How Seniors can take action on Climate Change

The world is experiencing an increasing severity of heat waves, droughts, bushfires, floods, hurricanes and other disasters which is historically unprecedented. We are in a climate emergency. Strong urgent action is critical and possible. We all want to leave a better world as a legacy for our children and grandchildren, so we must act – here are key examples.

Choose to have less impact in our transport and consumption:

  • Walk, cycle, take public transport, minimise driving and consider Car Share instead of owning a car. These options are healthier and less costly
  • Avoid discretionary flying. One overseas trip can increase your annual emissions by 1/3
  • Consume less: don’t buy unless necessary – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • Avoid plastic packaging, eg use shampoo bars and bar soap for dishes.

Reduce emissions in the home:

  • Install solar panels for efficient renewable energy and lower bills
  • Use efficient appliances of the minimum size needed, especially refrigerator
  • Install a heat pump hot water (and clothes dryer, if needed)
  • Change to electric induction cooking, avoid unhealthy gas use
  • Use highly efficient reverse cycle air conditioning to heat and cool – cut off gas altogether and save the daily gas connection fee
  • Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use. Appliances on standby use a lot of energy over a year.

Contact your bank, super fund etc and ensure they support investment in renewable energy not fossil fuel – see

We can each do our bit and together make a huge difference.

Use your vote wisely. Put pressure on politicians and governments to act on Climate Change and stop native forests logging and habitat reduction which causes biodiversity loss. They must also regulate donations and lobbyists.

Everyone can help by setting an example, talking to others and supporting a climate action group.

We must not ignore increasing climate disasters. Let’s take action and leave a legacy of moving towards a sustainable green future!

To find out more or or join COTA Green Sages, contact Ken Parker, Convenor

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